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For more information about therapy and counselling please contact me via:, or 0466 406 560. If you call, I may not be able to answer right away. Please leave a voicemail message, and I will return your call once I am available. I am generally unavailable between noon and 4 pm (Brisbane time).
If we have a Zoom session booked, I will send you a unique Zoom link via email 5 minutes before the session. To enter the session, simply click on the link. If you are coming for a session at my clinic, please arrive no sooner than 5 minutes before the session in order to maintain the privacy of others coming to the clinic.
If you are in crisis, please seek immediate help by calling your healthcare provider, calling for paramedics at 000, or presenting to an emergency department.
In Australia, you can also contact Beyond Blue at (03) 9810 6100, Lifeline at (13 11 14), and 1 800 Chaplain (at 1 800 24 27 52) for free online help. If you are experiencing sexual or domestic violence, you can contact (1 800 737 732).
Please note that not all these services are open 24/7.
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